Speech Therapy
Speech therapy at a Glance
Many people know that speech therapy can help a child say sounds, but a speech therapist actually works on a lot more than just sounds. Speech therapists treat a variety of disorders at ATC. Some children only have one of the issues described below, while others may have a combination with varying severity. Our ATC speech therapists evaluate all aspects of communication and treats a variety of disorders seen below:
Speech/Articulation, the way we say our speech sounds
Receptive Language- difficulty understanding language
Expressive Language- difficulty using language
Social Pragmatic Language – Social communication; the way we speak to each other
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Apraxia of Speech-difficulty planning and coordinating the movements needed to make speech sounds
Auditory Processing Disorder
Phonological Disorder-The speech patterns we use
Cognitive, Executive Function disorder-problem solving thinking, memory, attention
Oral/Feeding Disorders- oral aversion, failure to thrive, g-tube dependency, difficulty chewing and swallowing, difficulty moving to solids.
EVALUATION Assesses The Child’s:
Pre-linguistic- (pre-verbal) skills.
Cleft craniofacial anomalies
Voice disorders- problems with the way the voices sounds, such as hoarseness
Literacy disorders of reading and writing
Central Auditory Processing
Deafness/Hearing Loss – loss of hearing; In the case of children with cochlear implants or those that benefit from hearing aids, therapy includes aural/oral (re)habilitation or Auditory Verbal Therapy (AVT) and in the case of late amplification or limited benefit from hearing aids, therapy includes developing lip reading, speech, and /or alternative communication systems.
Oral-Motor Disorders- weak tongue, oral musculature, and/or lip muscles
Speech Therapy:
Speech Therapy combines the use of play based services for younger children, and drill or child led therapy for older children. Speech therapy is especially beneficial when kids begin early in life. SLP’s may help your child build skills by working with them one on one, with caregiver, or in small groups. Our SLP’s will collaborate and help coach parents, care givers, teachers, doctors and community programs.
Children May Benefit From Speech Therapy For A Variety Of Reasons, For Example….
My 18 month old daughter isn’t saying single words yet. She doesn’t seem interested in communicating with our family.
My 8 month old is having trouble eating solids, and will cough and gag when I feed him.
My 15 month old isn’t engaging with us socially, and will never look us in the eyes. He does not babble or make sounds.
My son’s classroom teacher mentioned concerns about his ability to understand and follow directions similar to his peers. He often needs to hear multiple repetitions of the direction.
I have difficulty understanding what my 4 year old is saying. He is beginning to get frustrated when I don’t understand.
My 4 year old has Autism, and needs help building his social skills so he can communicate with his peers.
My 6 year old daughter is not able to verbally speak. I would like to explore other options for her to communicate, such as sign language or a communication device.
My daughter is constantly drooling and doesn’t seem to know how to chew her food properly. I am worried that she doesn’t have very good oral motor skills.
My 10 year old son doesn’t know how to interact with his peers at school. He is having difficulty making and keeping friends because of this.
My 12 year old daughter recently experienced a fall resulting in a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). Now she is having difficulty expressing herself and understanding what we say.
My 5 year old son is starting to stutter and I am worried because his uncle is a person who stutters.
My child’s voice constantly sounds hoarse and she has difficulty using a louder voice volume to be understood by others.
My son doesn’t have a diagnosis, but seems to be having difficulty meeting his developmental milestones.